
Dream Journal Institute

Dream Journal

The Brain Lab

"i had a dream last night where the inside of my brain was being remade into a laboratory with many levels of workshops and storages, cafeteria and a swimming pool. in which "myself" was swimming while observing all the other employees doing their job, as the whole structure was dissected into 2/3 planar view." - DREAMER #726



If you would like your dream showcased email us at dreamjournalinstitute [at] aol [dot] com

Codes For Sweethearts

Planetary Compersion by Geoffery Eric Michaels III

vdwk-66ps fqjk-k67d lbf2-6kqh 4add-kk65 cfqe-k9zf ewrf-g9km rhml-3zz6 a4rj-hzkk 8pl7-5g69 uky8-h3pa xykt-5w7b jtyy-uspx fnkz-j43p lwyz-kadn ejkk-6nwe bf3k-kjl3 5wdt-6kps rjqt-kk7d dfr3-k9qh sall-6965 kkr4-u229 kymh-elxz kt8j-3eag zzkr-c733 zyya-w5h4 3kkg-xrpa wzyz-es7b etkz-udpx ruyk-jl3p dwkk-kedn ppzt-67we vhrp-xkzk 6elb-5899 krsm-br6z zm4f-xl96 zgpx-eagk ykfh-ub29 yz5s-ehxz yt6p-35ag tkyb-cu33 tykm-cph4 2ty9-x2pa xf7u-6zjh h5wx-k695 hrpp-66kf qlfr-ykzm fcaw-bkk6 5hfq-h9zk gqdf-5t99 yr4v-b26z tvs7-xh96

Klaus Wolfe - Equinimity

wae8-5qh4 s963-btpa s33w-xn7b vvx4-ggrx 79eq-37xq x277-cvmt qv5x-wyyb 9f8p-xrnx ndnb-edqq wja5-3dgt egf9-hhr7 g2dn-5ecv 2lqv-73d8 ae87-vxx2 jjxa-xqaj 7fcg-j83y vdh3-y2hf 9jel-7hqa nb74-vjgb mawh-gyrx b9jj-3uxq w3fr-wqmt eaaw-c8yb 8f9e-x2nx 2w2f-ecqq h69n-3gea hn2x-hufb jdmj-v5jx fhg8-yrtp lcu3-b4un qpw5-xmaj bfh9-jt3y 5wcn-ybhf 8jjx-7xqa 2fbh-vvgb a5ds-y8rx uxq5-7rw8 vq8b-vll2 68nl-ga5c nudq-u72w l5q6-ev44 488u-3yea cnud-xffb ew5e-jpjx rh6g-y2tp d43n-blun ppxm-xjaj 67gj-hbux uwu7-5wjq xpma-3s8t q6rg-h4b7 93l3-5asv ndpm-72w8 5q9f-vhl2 gg2x-ge5c 2ulj-uu2w dme8-5q44 s863-b8ea u7bc-vm8b

Sylvain Henricksen - Akashic Forest

ctqx-x4t8 pugs-jp3n 8wks-y2dj 2sye-blxy jqu3-w6hr 6bwm-hyqd culs-vm2z elpe-gtw6 gs9b-37ly th2l-cvqr telq-xygd 28s6-5rfh xmj2-jsj5 hggd-kdtr quuc-6l3l fl5e-yjdj ls69-b6wy ej3n-wkhr gbxv-x8qd 3d48-jr6c djp2-yd9x sgfw-7lyq s2dc-vj2z 6lz4-gbwj uctq-3xly mjn6-wqpr n2ht-x24h wve3-jdj5 cg6w-kctr e234-6h3l rlvq-yvdj kqlp-xt8d ugsg-e27h lk43-3cqv 4zpl-hhy8 q294-v52n gxth-g3wj 3ckp-b4ly 5p38-wmpr 89xy-ctbd 23cy-xb4h xjjn-gc6x h9bl-uxtq qxqp-g8d6 948r-3fxy zsnw-cmjr yjde-xg8d 3g49-eb7h wtsn-3wqv szqx-hxy8 p3gs-jp2n 7xvp-yqwj x4gg-bzdy 97wm-hgjd nwh9-v39c lpeu-gw6x c6rd-74tq c3ls-vq3z edpe-gtd6 849b-3nxy 66lz-wyrd unsk-h3hh xaj2-jsq5 46gd-ksyr q3uc-6l2l fd5e-ymwj w469-b6dy ee3n-wk4r 87xv-hyjd 2l48-jr9c dep2-ys6x hkqw-hlt8 jn8c-va3n 6dz4-gbdj nhtq-3hxy men6-cver 98wt-c8rd 3nht-xrhh w5e3-jdq5 s66w-kdyr pn34-6h2l rdvq-yjwj 6hg7-buly k42d-cqqr kplp-x8gd n6sg-e2fh ly43-3djv 4tpl-hht8 en94-ve3n gwth-g3dj 2hzj-3xxy



“I remember the most important thing was that he had money, he wanted to give it to us, and he didn’t care how we used it,” recalls Doreen Studebakker, a longtime steward of the Public Observatory, which was located for decades in the area of Monterey California, near Big Sur, before being dismantled in 2014. “During an era when scientific inquiry was mostly not happening where defense was not involved, individual rich eccentrics became the backers of a lot of what might be called ‘unproductive’ research - where no conclusions were marketable or otherwise exploitable, but served just as a general deposit into the bank of human knowledge. Usually these folks were there with blank checks, but there was always some tertiary goal of sending their legacy to space, or otherwise bolstering a bruised ego.”

Mrs. Studebakker is almost impossibly articulate in her speech, well into her 70s. She occasionally closes her eyes while recalling a memory, almost as if to internally examine an image of the person or scene she is describing. She seems to close them more frequently when talking about the Public Observatory’s mysterious benefactor. [9:53 AM] “Our crew received a letter one day, delivered by courier, from a bag handcuffed to his wrist no less, to the office we had been using for the plans for the observatory. It was starting to seem like a pipe dream - an important funder had just backed out despite the combined expertise of two architects, one engineer, one member of the region’s government who was volunteering his time. In addition to myself, there was another astronomer, both of us interested not just in research but in sharing the knowledge and wonder of the field, perhaps in the form of presentations for school field trips or family nights. It was a good crew, all of us scientists in our own way, interested in the method, the inquiry, the revision.

“So when the courier produced this letter, we almost didn’t have the time to register our shock. I picked up the envelope quickly. ‘To The Public Observatory, LLC’ and our address, which was not in fact public at that time. On the back: ‘From the offices of Geoffrey Eric Michaels III - Hong Kong/Köln/Big Sur’. Inside the envelope, a large check, half the size of a piece of notebook paper, with the amount line blank, but otherwise endorsed and filled properly. Memo line: ‘In support of The Public Observatory’. Also inside the envelope was a single embossed card, which had two phone numbers on it - one an 800 number labeled “collect”, where the other was unlabeled and definitely to a location outside of the country, though none of us recognized the country code. I have to recall a kind of shimmer of nervous laughter going round the room - this was by far the most interesting single development in 16 months of work on this project. Our politician stood up, going for the phone… [9:53 AM] Working toward a result or sometimes abandoning it. The process of opening a non university-backed observatory - truly independent, at least of institutions - had suffered its ups and downs, but for the first time it was starting to seem like abandonment of the idea was a real possibility. [9:53 AM] “So when the courier produced this letter, we almost didn’t have the time to register our shock. I picked up the envelope quickly. ‘To The Public Observatory, LLC’ and our address, which was not in fact public at that time. On the back: ‘From the offices of Geoffrey Eric Michaels III - Hong Kong/Köln/Big Sur’. Inside the envelope, a large check, half the size of a piece of notebook paper, with the amount line blank, but otherwise endorsed and filled properly. Memo line: ‘In support of The Public Observatory’. Also inside the envelope was a single embossed card, which had two phone numbers on it - one an 800 number labeled “collect”, where the other was unlabeled and definitely to a location outside of the country, though none of us recognized the country code. I have to recall a kind of shimmer of nervous laughter going round the room - this was by far the most interesting single development in 16 months of work on this project. Our politician stood up, going for the phone…


Broadcasting From The Astral Realms

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Oneiric Mathematics

Enroll Today

32pr-upwa dm9w-endb pgtc-uaxw 7j4q-j6cf vfsf-yy4a 7a4x-bujb m7es-hq9w f57s-58y4 lr5c-b2nm cm7e-wlv6 eb5f-cety 8x7m-w3rf t457-hwhm 2era-espg h7n2-xp75 hld5-j2af jsqg-kdua mcll-uj35 fpsj-jkcf 5fhr-g84a b5cd-3fjb a7jc-hm9w rmbc-5ty4 drv4-bbnm xvgl-57wb jgkh-75lw 72np-efps lxa8-3p7d 4e9y-cnph 4r23-xa75 cllm-jbaf ecp9-kcua rhfu-gxa7 a4dx-uv35 rphp-v9cf kh5b-hd4m ue75-5deg v8wf-7cr3 9zhm-5hw4 n3e7-75da wv6x-5uwb e9zs-uplw b32e-enps dxmg-3a7d sq8z-c7ph srnn-xe75 7vrh-eyt4 xbmh-33um habp-w4m6 qfvb-cpyy 9wb5-w2bf 3qbm-5ceg 58x7-7wr3 8kcv-5xw4 2npr-upda da9w-efwb vhdw-um25 7e4q-j6sf vrsf-ygha fm4x-buqb mbph-xv6w bv7s-58t4 wf5c-brum p75f-cayy 8w7m-wbbf ts57-hw4m hq6k-wueh hbn2-xpf5 hdd5-jr5f q4qg-kdna fcrn-gl57 5hll-uj25 bqsj-jksf 5r47-yyha rvcd-3fqb abjc-hq6w rabc-5tt4 unjf-7awa x5gl-57db q6kh-7exw fn3j-5ues cj9y-cfeh cf23-xaf5 cdlm-j25f php9-kcna rcfu-gh57 asdx-uv25 6l7a-wrrf kc5b-hshm nj75-5dpg m9wf-7db3 9thm-5hd4 3ue7-7ewa w56x-5udb

Oneiric Mathematics

Enroll Today

32pr-upwa dm9w-endb pgtc-uaxw 7j4q-j6cf vfsf-yy4a 7a4x-bujb m7es-hq9w f57s-58y4 lr5c-b2nm cm7e-wlv6 eb5f-cety 8x7m-w3rf t457-hwhm 2era-espg h7n2-xp75 hld5-j2af jsqg-kdua mcll-uj35 fpsj-jkcf 5fhr-g84a b5cd-3fjb a7jc-hm9w rmbc-5ty4 drv4-bbnm xvgl-57wb jgkh-75lw 72np-efps lxa8-3p7d 4e9y-cnph 4r23-xa75 cllm-jbaf ecp9-kcua rhfu-gxa7 a4dx-uv35 rphp-v9cf kh5b-hd4m ue75-5deg v8wf-7cr3 9zhm-5hw4 n3e7-75da wv6x-5uwb e9zs-uplw b32e-enps dxmg-3a7d sq8z-c7ph srnn-xe75 7vrh-eyt4 xbmh-33um habp-w4m6 qfvb-cpyy 9wb5-w2bf 3qbm-5ceg 58x7-7wr3 8kcv-5xw4 2npr-upda da9w-efwb vhdw-um25 7e4q-j6sf vrsf-ygha fm4x-buqb mbph-xv6w bv7s-58t4 wf5c-brum p75f-cayy 8w7m-wbbf ts57-hw4m hq6k-wueh hbn2-xpf5 hdd5-jr5f q4qg-kdna fcrn-gl57 5hll-uj25 bqsj-jksf 5r47-yyha rvcd-3fqb abjc-hq6w rabc-5tt4 unjf-7awa x5gl-57db q6kh-7exw fn3j-5ues cj9y-cfeh cf23-xaf5 cdlm-j25f php9-kcna rcfu-gh57 asdx-uv25 6l7a-wrrf kc5b-hshm nj75-5dpg m9wf-7db3 9thm-5hd4 3ue7-7ewa w56x-5udb

We Want To Hear From You


Have you ever had a dream so vivid you had to write it down? We want to hear that dream. See those dreams come to life in one of our printed zines or set to music by our team of professionals. Nothing is too silly or inconsequential.

The Visionary Library

I Am Underwater

“Can you hear the bubbling of the brook if you are lying in its bed? /// No? Then what else can you hear?” -- Taken from liner notes found.

qbup-yw6u 9dwg-34tq 34jz-cq3z 5ebn-xtd6 86xx-j2xy tncj-kcjr t5pr-gx8d ju4t-uxeg 6lp3-vqr3 ks9l-68w4 nj24-knla lglj-gmvb qts6-36tw bnj2-ckf4 wwgd-xyjm sjkc-vr9g pf3q-gs6u 8dx9-3ltq jug6-b2v2 6wku-whzc usza-heyx lj28-v3bq 4gly-ys4z q2sz-74eg glqn-vmr3 yc8x-6tw4 2jnh-k7la d9wp-gjvb pth8-3ktw kuce-ksqr k5jf-g4gd u8gl-3mrh lzuh-hzcv 4y5j-5gl8 q288-bbv2 glz2-wxzc 3ct5-h5yx djn9-jrbq s9dz-yd4z p24k-7leg j72j-yc9u 6wx8-bhyq uset-wv2z mq73-hyw6 9gwl-jrly yuhq-kdqr yme7-glgd 386x-3jrh dkns-h6cv szap-5yl8 p29g-b3v2 x6dq-gqmb jy49-39yw 72pu-cz74 ll9x-xgqm 4eys-jb6g e7up-yw9u glwg-bxyq 3sjz-cq2z ajbn-x8w6 8gxx-j2ly t2cj-kcqr h6dt-gchz j34t-uxpg 6dp3-jvb3 z49l-68d4 ne24-kfxa w6lj-gmmb ezs6-3zyw b2j2-c674 dxgd-xyqm sekc-j36g pr3q-gs9u hzvq-58x8 j3g6-b2m2 9xku-wlkc n4za-hetx le28-v3rq c6ly-gwhz ensz-74pg gdqn-vqb3 th8x-6td4 2enh-knxa d8wp-gjmb 69xd-vbxy k3ce-6wjr zvjf-g48d n9gl-3qbh ltuh-hzsv ck5j-5tx8 en88-bbm2 gdz2-whkc 2ht5-h5tx den9-jrrq s8dz-yshz hqzh-j29g jb2j-yd6u 9xx8-bhtq n4et-wj3z mp73-hyd6

[ The Dream Journal Institute and this tape are the physical and metaphysical property of DREAM JOURNAL LLC. The structure, organization and finances of its commercial store contain valuable trade secrets and confidential information of THE JOURNAL LLC.]

Along The Aurora River

Interview Segements With Klaus Wolfe

I am often asked how I make music for an entire university. My office is not secret but many do not know where it is. It gives me space to work being semi hidden. My door looks like a regular broom closet or plain door but inside is a large room with instruments. What I play is amplified on the speakers throughout the campus. There are speakers hidden in rocks and in the trees, some under the sidewalks or in the hallways. What you are hearing is being played at that time. There is no prerecorded music. Aurora River is the afternoon melody that I play from 2pm to 2:20pm. The name was taken from the place I saw when I first heard the melodies many years ago. It is one of my favorites and absolutely not subliminal.

Astral Realms I


I wanted to give you the background on some amazing new products available in our catalog. You may have seen me on TV or read about our work at the Dream Journal Institute. Some of you may be enrolled in our at home certification program for divination, telepathy, or hypnosis. Some of you maybe strangers and to you I say "hello, greetings and welcome".

Wherever you are on your own journey, be it spiritual, personal, or scientific, The Dream Journal Institute offers a variety of musical products to aid in your great search. From dream visions to guided self meditation, the products we offer are drawn straight from the great place of inspiration. Up until today, the research we were undertaking was not available to the public and only heard by the researchers and academics on our campus. Today we offer a variety of products including a brand new compilation THE ASTRAL REALMS I.

In this compilation on two cassette tapes, you will hear musical renditions and recordings from The Dream College. Whether or not it is recreations of melodies heard in dreams or the sonorous sounds of machines built from ancient schematics, this sampler will be your guide into the world of THE ASTRAL REALMS. Side A presents the melodious findings of Klaus Wolfe and the surreal bliss of Richard Greenriver while Side B introduces newcomer Jean-Baptiste Plante with longtime collaborator Helyg Weidenbach. Though these names might be new to some, the academic weight of them or others will surely be a treat for others.

Inspired by the explorers of old, The Dream Journal Institute maps out realms beyond our material plane. Started before the founding of the College, THE ASTRAL REALMS was the name of a research project undertaken by academics and mystics with the goal of charting a place with no name with only dreams as their compass. Today the Institute collects dream journals from around the world to map the ASTRAL REALMS. The collection you will soon have in your collection are the musical sketches of this place either taken from dreams, hypnosis, or induced trances. They are postcards from a far off place beyond our imagination.

A Discount For The Eons


If you are reading this you can count yourself as one whose fortune shines bright. For a limited time only you can receive the knowledge of astral projection when you buy any one of our products from the Dream Journal Institute. What does this knowledge cost me you might ask? Surely it has to be a premiere price right for the wisdom being offered? If you pick up the phone right now and order any one of our fantastic items, A PERSONAL GUIDE TO ASTRAL PROJECTION is yours FREE -- no money down, no obligation. Imagine, your own guide to the lands beyond the veil of our imagination for absolutely no commitment. My scientifically proven method of connecting to the heavens through sonic science can be yours if you order now. What else would you like to do after a hard day at work other than sitting in your favorite chair and instantly being whisked away to a mystical locale for a metaphysical vacation? Don't take my word for it, travel to THE ASTRAL REALMS right now and see for yourself.

yfk3-bt2b y535-xnxx 26v9-jejp dzbz-y382 ptvu-7x7h jvqp-6f8u 6f8r-yquq udnw-bzaz mjae-xzug 9gf9-egmu z2dn-339p 3mqv-hx6n 5ggr-jp8j rkud-yrbk an5e-7ll9 8a6g-5m5t 6739-7jme uwxz-56y3 vpek-7y74 f6r2-jfqm l3ld-kp6g qape-6n8u gf9b-ymuq 3w2l-b6az ajmq-x6ug 89r6-eymu t2x2-br9p xkbt-yrg2 jyv3-7lfh 72g5-vmev llkf-6g28 qeym-y7xn g7u6-7vme 3lwk-5ky3 5ept-u874 r6f3-jnqm dndw-ka6g paqq-678u vuaq-uhx9 6596-evat krtu-3y3b zmua-xflx ng5g-jaqp wk7y-y2g2 ez5n-7hfh b26m-vjev dxy7-6y28 pekv-yuxn 8rn8-uqme 66rg-e8vu k3l3-326p uapm-hh9n m99f-vegj fy2x-g3rk 5umj-uxx9 gmg8-5qat yrk3-b83b tv35-xnlx 2gv9-jeqp dtbz-ybg2 xnxx-659g j5ej-kugu 6r8r-yqnq nlnw-b95z meae-xzng g6f9-etvu yndn-3b6p 3aqv-hx9n a687-v5gj ryud-yrrk a25e-74x9 jqk5-ynln 6b39-7mve nxxz-56t3 mqek-7yf4 f87u-vujm wuld-kp9g empe-6fgu gr9b-ymnq 2x2l-bz5z aemq-x6ng 88r6-egvu u9m6-v5jp xybt-yr82 qkv3-747h fng5-vmpv ldkf-6t38 ejym-y7ln gbu6-7jve 3dwk-5kt3 ajpt-u8f4 rgf3-jfjm d2dw-ka9g 7znl-g2bk v3aq-uhl9 9v96-ej5t zftu-3y2b zaua-huxx 365g-jpjp wy7y-y282

[ The Dream Journal Institute and this tape are the physical and metaphysical property of DREAM JOURNAL LLC. The structure, organization and finances of its commercial store contain valuable trade secrets and confidential information of THE JOURNAL LLC.]

The Healing Concerts By Sisi

Lifestyle Article / Advertisement

The Dream Journal Institute is excited to showcase the first volume from its new VISIONARY LIBRARY. What was once only available to researchers, archivists, and the people in attendance to the events, THE HEALING CONCERTS BY SISI is the first commercial collection of recordings by famed mystic SISI. Feel the power of time magic from the comfort of your living room as the famed "chrono consort" plays a concert just for you!

THE HEALING CONCERTS BY SISI is drawn from the extensive collection curated by STEWART ROSIE (S.R) of THE VISIONARY LIBRARY. The library is a special archive of thousands of mystical recordings from public events and private functions and used in research and scientific experiments. S.R might be the lead conservator but his interest in the SISI phenomenon is more than an academic curiosity.

With a family history rooted in alchemy and astrology, SISI was almost a household name for S.R and his family. At a very young age, S.R attended his first HEALING CONCERT, a name that would describe a series of gatherings for the the mythical figure of SISI. Very early, S.R was fascinated by the sounds and the implication that the performer, SISI, was none other than Empress Elisabeth of Austria somehow present in our current time period and im possession of future technology. S.R began recording these concerts and it was his recordings which was the foundation to a recording network which existed among SISI's most ardent fans. These tapes, which never saw commercial release, were among the first to be cataloged in the VISIONARY LIBRARY at the same time S.R became its lead conservator. THE HEALING CONCERTS BY SISI is the first official commercial collection taken from these recordings and are now for you to witness the power of TIME MAGIC.

jd75-gdnl fh5b-ul5j lc7m-ej2y qpwf-uysf gfhv-euha 3w4r-7pqb 5ppd-5fgw r9fc-7an4 d3dc-5n5m v79l-gbde 7m24-uhx3 vrmj-eves fvb8-b8rd lbv2-wfhh 4ab5-haq5 cfvb-v2yr ewbm-gcnl rhvf-uh5j d4bv-ev2y pedr-78sf uhmp-xren vqrg-edfe 78l3-3deu musm-hh2p f5qf-vewn mr8x-g3de bmnh-uxx3 5b5p-5qes rv7g-btrd df53-wnhh sa7m-heq5 76b4-ueu4 x3xh-euam haej-35ug q78r-wfau 9wnw-cafp nsae-x2en 5qf9-ecfe bgdn-3ceu au4v-hx2p rmp7-v5wn ar6d-yrde xhb5-eq3y jexb-utcf 6rcm-e74a nlhf-uejb meex-eu8w b67h-u5u4 wnls-5fam c5pe-bpug p79b-wnau 8l2l-cefp 2smq-xben x7au-cu4h h5fv-x5j5 hr5r-vrtr ql75-gsul fc5b-ulaj wh7m-em3y eqwf-ugcf grhv-eu4a 2xc7-u5jb aqpd-5f8w r8fc-7pu4 7vpb-vadn vb9l-g2we 7a24-uhl3 mfmj-evps f5r6-3ybd w7v2-wf4h cmb5-hpj5 crvb-v2tr pxbm-gdul rcvf-uhaj dsbv-ej3y 6lux-w57p ucmp-xrpn vprg-es7e f9l3-3dpu m3sm-hl3p bvqf-vedn 5f8x-gbwe banh-uxl3 a75p-5qps r57g-b8bd dr53-wn4h vqjl-engw 7gb4-uen4 luxh-e75m 4mej-35ng qb8r-cu5u gxnw-cp7p 34ae-x2pn 5pf9-ed7e r6dn-3cpu a34v-hh3p rap7-v5dn 74vr-7x5j xcb5-eq2y qjxb-utsf

Edith Graves - Crystalline Caves

Don’t worry we shall have wonderful dreams, and when we wake up it’ll be spring

Edith Graves is the senior musical director at the Dream Journal Institute's "Dream Dorms". While participants sleep for collection of data in journals, Edith performs private concerts twice a day to aid the sojourning dreamers. She acts as the "Sleep Warden" and has created two programs from morning and evening to guide the sleeping ones on a safe journey. What you are hearing are the two programs which were broadcast throughout the dorms during Summer of this year. The "Crystalline Caves" are what participants documented having all experienced while listening to this music. The sleepers told of majestic ice kingdoms "far beyond the Horn of Tlelan." These programs have been recreacted and recorded by the artist for your at home experience. Journey now with us to the Crystalline Caves with Music by Edith Graves.

jg2n-udct 9ulv-jhsb zlp6-kecw np62-guds w63d-uvxd cyxe-v9ac c2e9-g8uw sl6n-3nj4 scyx-hj9a 6k7h-w6bh unms-cy4v x58p-w3v8 q6zb-wsz2 9n2m-csyh ndm9-xd2v wj8k-ecs9 egnu-ucct g2wa-jxsb tlj8-k5cw 2eg3-yfds vhhn-hqyt 6qcl-vt27 krhh-62xv nvch-yhj8 m9ps-bv82 9tfs-wkbh 3uac-w84v w59q-crv8 e8tf-wdz2 8nnv-cdyh 2wa6-xc2v hx62-buq4 h4yd-xv6a hsue-v887 qhw9-gr7v fchz-3lm9 mscu-hmyt gqhx-vg27 yb4s-6bxv 3ass-yxj8 a9qc-3q82 8yr4-c9bh kxq9-kasw uq8u-gnws x8nx-ujld 4kwp-j65c 43j8-yynw 4dg3-3fq4 c4kl-hq6a cc3q-vt87 phx6-g27v r4ck-3hm9 acs2-hjyt 6una-wwth ulag-hw3v xp9z-esc9 q62n-udst 93lv-jlcb zdp6-kesw 3q62-g7ws wg3d-uvld skxe-jk5c sne9-g8nw sd6n-3nq4 v6eh-bmg2 6y7h-w6rh u2ms-cghv lv8p-w3m8 qgzb-cwk2 922m-csth 3lm9-xs3v we8k-edc9 p6nu-ucst 8nwa-jhcb tdj8-k5sw 7hcy-bxv9 vchn-hqtt 6pcl-v837 zfhh-62lv n5ch-yhq8 m8ps-bjg2 gzfs-wkrh 33ac-cyhv dv9q-crm8 p9tf-wsk2 82nv-cdth hup6-ytuw hw62-b7j4 hsyd-xv9a 44ue-jyg7 qcw9-grfv bhhz-34v9 54cu-hmtt gphx-vt37 t74s-6blv 2mss-yxq8 a8qc-bvg2 6udm-j4sb kwq9-kpcw up8u-gnds

The Herald


Tonight for FOUR nights only, come hear the WISDOM FROM THE TOWERS with THE HERALD as he brings divinations and proclamations from the land beyond our imagination. For the low price of a cup of coffee, you can find out the secrets which make up the fabric of our reality. THE HERALD is fun for all ages but not for the faint of heart. Bring this coupon below for your chance to witness DIVINE COMMUNICATION



qdnl-h5u9 ghaj-jraz ycf6-ysug ypw2-blau t9ha-xjrp 2ycb-jgcn uhv3-kwpj xqbm-6xby j8x7-6qdf 9ucv-y9wa nlpr-7zlb mp9d-5zvw b62c-7g6s w3le-5u9l cap9-b56j sf9u-cf8k pw2x-xpu9 7vkp-bt2l xfy8-wnxj hauy-cemy q75y-x38r 9w7z-jw7l ns5u-6spj wq7v-k4by eglr-6mdf g2sa-yzwa 2lqb-76lb ae8w-56vw k64m-hvbp uzs7-j8sn vtqx-yrhe fkgs-7lq3 m3ks-5mys faye-bg2l wfkg-w7xj c53z-c5my p7vk-hr8r 8lbk-vs7l 2ca2-6dpj h792-wngk 6sme-vb5z zhr9-gwng zeln-3x5u z8sv-xqbp 3zhr-jtsn 5yed-y2he rk6c-7hq3 anyc-5jys rakq-by2l uxef-ukxb ve6x-59mw 78ns-7t9s ludp-5n6l 45qg-be9j 4r83-w7gk elnl-h5n9 gcaq-v35z thf6-ysng tqw2-b45u t8ha-xmbp 6xby-jcfl ucv3-kcej xpbm-6xry q9xf-kvwf 93cv-y9da ndpr-79xb 5q9d-5zmw bg2c-7g9s dule-576l smp9-b59j sr9n-wugk vuth-5qts 75kp-b83l xry8-wnlj 4muy-cavy qb5y-xbgr gx7z-jwfl 345n-kwej wp7v-k4ry p6lr-6qwf 8nsa-yzda 2dqb-7zxb kjd3-3hau kg4m-hvrp utsf-vycn mzqx-yr4e fygs-74j3 5uks-5mts bmye-bt3l wrkg-w7lj sv3z-cevy pbvz-x3gr 8dbk-vsfl hvp8-bp6j hb92-wn8k jd2w-hau9 94me-vbaz zcr9-gcug yjln-3xau

Dream Pals

You can be the conductor!

With the power of science and a little bit of magic, THE DREAM JOURNAL INSTITUTE now gives you the power to contact other worlds with an AT HOME electronic organ. Connect with a friend across the country or someone new from another year. The choice is yours with DJ(I)'s line of electronic instruments and sheet music. Send away for your free catelog or visit our store at astralrealms.neocities.org for your next vacation to the stars!